Frequently asked questions

  • As a small producer we grow, make and sell all our wine ourselves.

    If you live in New Zealand, you can buy direct from us on this site. Just hit the Shop button in the menu bar.

    If you live outside of New Zealand, you can have Grava delivered to your door in some markets by shopping online at Wine Collective Direct.

    If you have any other queries about how to buy our wine, please contact us, we'd love to help.

  • Yes!

    We are certified organic with the independent organisation BioGro NZ. This certification was obtained in time for all our wines from the 2023 vintage onwards to be labelled including the BioGroNZ logo.

  • Yes!

    We let time fine our wine so there is no need to include traditional fining agents that contain animal products in our wine.

  • We think so.

    It depends on your definition. We believe nature does the lion's share of the work when it comes to making wine. Our job is to lend a hand to gently guide it along the way so we can bottle that goodness.

    When we can, we don’t inoculate our ferments.  We use minimal sulphites, meet vegan criteria and make unfiltered and unfined wine when possible

    We adhere to BioGro NZ's strict organic regulations and we operate a 'less is more' policy.

    We personally oversee every element of the growing and making process here at Grava.

  • Yes — but minimal amounts.

    We want our wine to taste as good for you as it tastes for us when we bottle it here at our winery.

    We use minimal sulphites, when we have to, to preserve the goodness in each Grava bottle.

  • Yes! We'd love to see you.

    Head to the Tasting Room page and click on the button to book an appointment.